Geek Communication
One of the weakest areas of a geek is their communication. Not that they don’t talk. Not that they aren’t articulate. Rather, its their ability to relate what they’re talking about to something important or tangible to their audience. To most, sharing a story is something intuitive or natural - its “just a story” . AND to a geek, telling a story means trying to find the right language and meter to help you dive as deeply into an idea as they’ve dug or even further. Its not easy. Geeks also have a weird way or organizing what they find important. Its not always linear or totally rational. Often, Geeks make correlations that seem to just make sense to them or are rather obvious because who doesn’t know that the meaning of life is 42? You know? Eh, probably not. We like to write processes out making allowances for every variant we can think of at the moment and tend to want to stick with them because we believe we’ve thought it out. To those who see things as more fluid or dynamic this can be utterly frustrating. Yet, believe it or not lots of business books tend to agree with geeks: not every word means the same to everyone else so you need to spell it out. Just a warning, when speaking with a geek making sure you give them a context for the answer you’re wanting lest they tell you an epic story about the hows and the whys and forget the what’s you actually wanted. Hope this helps.